Transformers: Dark of the Moon (also known as Transformers 3) is the 2011 American science fiction/action film in the Transformers film series, directed by Michael Bay and produced by Steven Spielberg. It is the sequel to Transformers and Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen and is scheduled for release on June 29, 2011. The film will be presented in regular 2D, Real D 3D and IMAX,featuring Dolby Surround 7.1 sound. Since this movie created lots of curiosity in the mind of people and due to which its searched daily lots of time web ,so i decided to gather some of the best wallpaper of Transformers: Dark of the Moon in High Definition so that users can feel experience .so below is the list of 10 best wallpaper which are shown below: Call Of Duty :Modern Warfare 3 Wallpapers Need For Speed:The Run Walpaper Transformers: Dark of the Moon Wallpaper in HD 1 Transformers: Dark of the Moon Wallpaper in HD 2 Transformers: Dark of the Moon Wallpaper in HD 3 Transformers: ...
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